Marvel's Avengers: Endgame marks the final chapter in the Avengers movie franchise. With the Marvel Legends Series Power Gauntlet, fans of this epic, culture-shaping series of films from Marvel Cinematic Universe can own a premium electronic roleplay item worthy of Super Heroes like Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man, and Captain Marvel. The Power Gauntlet electronic fist from the Marvel Legends Series features premium design and intricate detailing across the entire gauntlet and its 6 light-up Infinity Stones. Each colorful Infinity Stone is equipped with a pulsating glowing light effect.
Pushing the stone at the center of the gauntlet activates Avengers: Endgame movie-inspired sound FX. The Power Gauntlet Electronic Fist also features individually articulated finger joints for open hand and fist roleplay. The Gauntlet's fist-lock feature mechanism allows the item to be displayed in an appropriately powerful clenched fist pose.